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We welcome all students to take the opportunity to compete. With that in mind, we would love to go as a team, but it is not always feasible. If you would like to compete in a tournament please speak with one of your instructors. The tournaments listed below are ones for 2023 we plan to attend as a team, with coaches. If you want to compete outside of this list please speak with a coach, we will support you, but not guarantee that a coach or other team members will be in attendance. We do our best to support all of our students and look after the best interest of the academy. 

2023 Competition Schedule

-1/28- Fuji- Richmond


-4/29- Grappling Industries- VA Beach


-6/10- NAGA- VA Beach


-8/12- AGF, Richmond, VA


-10/21- AGF, Hampton, VA



Tournament Websites

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